Monday, January 11, 2010

Just buy an ice-scraper!

As many of you are aware, the Southern States (and the Midwest, and the Northern States, and Airstrip One, etc.) are in the grip of a rather cold front. I think it's because of all the global warming. But being from a Cold Weather State, I fancy myself somewhat of an expert on the do's and do not do's of surviving and driving in the cold. Top of the do's list: buy an ice scraper. They are about $2 for a decent one at Wal-mart, one that will not crack apart at the first meeting of ice and windshield. Wonder why it is at the top of the do's list? Wonder no more, gentle reader~

This morning on my way to the gym, I was driving behind a Georgian (according to the license plate). He had a LOT of space in between him and the car in front of him, and this is coming from a state where most drivers consider "2 car lengths" as approximately 19 and 1/2 inches. Figuring him for a most rare cautious driver, I thought nothing more of it. Until it took him 10 minutes to take the turn onto the interstate and merge into traffic. I was following him fairly closely at this point, and could see his head bobbing from side to side as he drove. As I passed him, I took a glance in the rear view mirror. His windshield was completely covered with ice, except for a tiny spot where the defroster was toiling with all its defroster might. I cannot conceive of a situation where I would just rely on my defroster to provide adequate visibility through my windshield. I was considering it this morning, but wisely decided against. I mean, I've got my kids in the car; you can never have too much visibility.

Oh, yes, I eventually got to the gym, worked out, and got a shower. I had to pay for 2 hours for this, even though it only takes me an hour and 10 minutes. I should ask if I can get credit for those 50 minutes of day care that I didn't use. The day care charges only in hour-long increments. I had no idea it could get so busy, though. When I came to pick up the girls from the day care, there was a line 12 children long to get into day care. I guess going early is the thing to do. Tomorrow~Mall Walking!

Improvements: Put some better music on the MP3 player. Go Mall-walking with the girls tomorrow (and leave the credit cards at home). Ask gym manager if I can "roll over" time with day care.

Sustainments: Continue leaving the house early to get to the gym. Drive cautiously, there are crazy people out there.

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