Sunday, January 31, 2010

Happy February!

It is February already, and where did January go (along with most of The Man's paycheck)? As some of you will recall, one of my 2 resolutions for January was to keep track of every single purchase. Aside from a terrible, no-good, very bad week where the QWERTY was at the store getting fixed, I did remarkably well at documenting every time I spent some money. However, when it is all there in black and white (or pink and green, as in our case), some rather disturbing things emerge. Firstly, I spend way too much money at the post office. I love baking and sending off care packages, and people love receiving them. But I have got to cut back to maybe one or two packages a week. Secondly, I spend way too much on groceries. If anyone has some suggestions on how to cut back on grocery spending, please send them my way! And thirdly, I need a better system for gym day care.
This month, the gym day care issue was resolved. I bought 2 punch cards for the girls. Bella's was $75 and Lily's was $68.75 (2nd child discount). For this rather large layout of money, I will get 54 hours of gym daycare. In addition to not having to wait around at the front desk for someone to figure out how to take my money, it works out to paying $2.66/hour for day care, as opposed to $3.50 for Bella and $3.15 for Lily. Not bad!
All right, on to my February resolutions. Since writing down where I spent money worked out so well in January, this month I am going to document what I eat. With color coordination! I love spreadsheets. :) Yesterday, though, I was pretty bad, what with being out of the house all morning. I didn't eat anything until after noon. The Man says that is not a good thing.
Second February resolution: craft more. When I was growing up, there was a lady that went to our church that had kids around the same age as me. Her house was a smorgasbord of crafting things. It looked like a Hobby Lobby had exploded (but in an organized way) in her craft room. More to the point, she did crafts with her kids, and me when I came over. Sure, Lily may be a little too young, but Bella loves crafts. I already bought her some 'sewing cards' for little kids, and she thinks it's awesome. And it goes without saying that I need to finish up the projects that I am working on.

Improvements: Document every caloric intake.
Do crafts with the girls.
Spend less at the post office.

Sustainments: Continue going to the gym 3 days per week.
Write down every penny that gets spent.

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